Budapest topographic map
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About this map
Name: Budapest topographic map, elevation, terrain.
Location: Budapest, Central Hungary, Hungary (47.34969 18.92511 47.61315 19.33493)
Average elevation: 171 m
Minimum elevation: 89 m
Maximum elevation: 557 m
The wide Danube was always fordable at this point because of a small number of islands in the middle of the river. The city has marked topographical contrasts: Buda is built on the higher river terraces and hills of the western side, while the considerably larger Pest spreads out on a flat and featureless sand plain on the river's opposite bank. Pest's terrain rises with a slight eastward gradient, so the easternmost parts of the city lie at the same altitude as Buda's smallest hills, notably Gellért Hill and Castle Hill.
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