New York topographic maps
Click on a map to view its topography, its elevation and its terrain.
City of Binghamton
United States > New York > Broome County
Binghamton, like all of the Southern Tier of New York, lies on the Allegheny Plateau; hence its hilly terrain. As such, elevations can vary in the city--Downtown, for example, is at an elevation of around 860 feet (262 meters), while residential homes in the hills can go up to over 1,800 feet (548 meters),…
Average elevation: 321 m
New York
The city's land has been altered substantially by human intervention, with considerable land reclamation along the waterfronts since Dutch colonial times; reclamation is most prominent in Lower Manhattan, with developments such as Battery Park City in the 1970s and 1980s. Some of the natural relief in…
Average elevation: 19 m
Village of East Hampton
United States > New York > Suffolk County > Town of East Hampton
Average elevation: 7 m
Chautauqua County
The county is generally composed of rolling hills and valleys, with elevations ranging anywhere between 1100 and 2100 feet, although the land within a few miles of Lake Erie is generally flat and at an elevation of 1000 feet or lower. The lowest point in the county is Lake Erie, at 571 feet (174 meters), and…
Average elevation: 328 m
Broome County
The county's western portion is hilly, with wide valleys that accommodate Binghamton and its suburbs. In the northern portion, Interstate 81 traverses a wide glacial valley. The eastern part of the county is much more rugged, as the land rises to the Catskill Mountains. The terrain generally slopes to the…
Average elevation: 413 m